A worker tripping over a yellow extension cord in an industrial setting

The Most Common Workplace Injuries

Workplace injuries can happen to anyone, in any type of work environment. Although occupations such as construction work are inherently more hazardous, workers who sit at a desk and use a computer all day are at risk for repetitive strain injuries such as carpal tunnel syndrome. At Nappa, Monterosso & Poznansky, LLP, our workers’ compensation lawyers handle all types of work injury cases in the greater NYC area. Although there are countless ways to get hurt at work, the most common workplace injuries may surprise you.

Overexertion Injuries

Lifting, pulling, pushing, carrying, twisting, bending, and throwing motions are common elements in workplace injuries involving overexertion. This type of injury can occur in a single incident or may be the result of years of doing the same strenuous job every day. Overexertion can cause debilitating injuries, from lower back, shoulder, and knee injuries to chronic pain caused by wear and tear on the joints. Proper training on how to perform tasks such as moving heavy objects and providing assistive equipment can help workers avoid overexertion and lifting injuries.

Slip-and-Fall Injuries

Slip, trip, and fall accidents are common causes of workplace injuries. Wet, slippery floors, extension cords, uneven walking surfaces, and poor lighting often are the causes of slip-and-fall accidents in the workplace. A fall can lead to injuries such as broken bones, spine and back injuries, sprains and strains, and more serious conditions such as traumatic brain injury.

Falls From Heights

Falling from a height such as a ladder, scaffolding, or roof can be fatal. These types of falls are more common in sectors like construction, industrial settings, and warehouse work. It’s important for employers to ensure workers are properly trained and to make sure proper safety protocols are in place to help employees avoid falling accidents.

Being Struck By Objects or Equipment

Being hit by a falling object can cause serious injuries such as blunt-force trauma to the head, broken bones, bruises, cuts, and damage to internal organs. These types of accidents often can be prevented by storing items safely and using appropriate protective gear such as hard hats. Unfortunately, when a worker is hit by heavy equipment or machinery such as a forklift, the results can be fatal or result in catastrophic workplace injuries such as amputation.


Rollers, gears, and other parts of machinery used in manufacturing, industrial settings, and construction can entangle workers and cause crushing injuries, amputation, and death. These types of workplace injuries often are caused by hair, loose clothing, jewelry, shoelaces, or other items getting caught in machinery.

Toxic Chemical Exposure

Toxic substances can be found in many different workplaces, but construction workers, shipyard workers, custodians, factory workers, and mechanics often are exposed to toxic chemicals regularly. Toxic chemical exposure in the workplace can result in burns, eye and ear injuries, lung disease, and other occupational illnesses and injuries. It’s important for manufacturers of these products and employers to properly warn users of their hazards.

Motor Vehicle Accidents

There is no shortage of delivery drivers, bike messengers, cabbies, and others who drive for a living in the greater New York City area. Even if you’re not a professional driver, you may still be entitled to workers’ compensation benefits if you’re on the clock and performing a work-related duty when injured.

Workers’ Compensation Claims For Workplace Injuries

New York workers’ compensation benefits are no-fault. This means that regardless of how a workplace accident injury happened, your medical bills, lost wages, and other related expenses should be covered by your employer’s workers’ compensation insurance.

Although you’re prohibited from suing your employer in New York, if someone else was responsible for your injuries, a personal injury lawyer may be able to help you recover other damages, such as pain and suffering and loss of consortium. For example, if you’re making a delivery and a car hits your vehicle and you suffer from whiplash, the driver of the other vehicle may be liable for damages. However, these types of claims can have an impact on each other and affect the amount of compensation you receive. An experienced attorney whose practice areas focus on workers’ compensation can evaluate your case and advise you of the most effective course of action for your specific circumstances.

Contact a Workers’ Compensation Lawyer in the Greater NYC Area

At Nappa, Monterosso & Poznansky, LLP, we care about our clients and their families. For more than 30 years, our workplace injury law firm has fought for injured workers in the Greater New York City area. Attorney and partner Rolando Cubela is proud to assist our Spanish-speaking clients. If you or someone you love has been hurt at work, call us at 718-273-9000 or contact us online to schedule a consultation today.

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