Man with black mask holding little boy with orange hardhat

Occupational Diseases: Unseen Consequences for Workers and Their Families

Occupational diseases are work-related conditions that can result from prolonged exposure to harmful substances, repetitive motions or tasks, noise, and other workplace hazards. In addition to affecting workers, occupational diseases can have consequences for their families as well. At Nappa, Monterosso & Poznansky, LLP, our occupational disease lawyers help injured workers and families throughout the greater New York City area get through challenging times. Here, we explain some of the broader impacts occupational diseases can have on workers and their families.

Physical Health

An occupational disease can have a serious effect on a worker’s physical health. In some cases, they may bring home harmful substances like asbestos particles or infectious diseases without even knowing it, which can also impact the health of their family and household members.

This can lead to their loved ones suffering from lung diseases, chronic illnesses, and other health consequences that can significantly affect their quality of life. Depending on the circumstances, it can also influence further generations if a parent’s occupational disease results in an increased risk of passing on predispositions to certain illnesses or disabilities.


A worker with an occupational disease may lose a significant portion of their income due to missing work or being unable to work at all. Increased medical costs due to an illness or workplace injury can also create significant financial strain, especially if an injured worker is the primary breadwinner. Specialized treatment, nursing care, and home modifications can also be costly.

Although these employees are eligible for workers’ compensation, it may not be as much as they were making while working. If a claim is denied, going through the appeals process can leave workers and their families in a precarious financial situation.

Emotional Toll

Dealing with an occupational disease can take a serious toll on the emotional well-being of injured workers and their family members. Navigating the challenges of managing an occupational disease can lead to feelings of stress, anxiety, and depression for everyone involved. The trauma of witnessing a loved one’s suffering can cause family members to struggle with emotional distress and mental health conditions as well.

Interpersonal Relationships

The physical, financial, and emotional repercussions of an occupational disease can strain interpersonal relationships in families. Communication may break down and feelings of resentment, guilt, loss, and helplessness are quite common in those dealing with a loved one’s occupational illness.

Social Disconnection

Those suffering from work-related illnesses can also become isolated from their social networks. Feelings of loneliness and depression can be exacerbated by this isolation and further impact their overall quality of life. Family members who spend time and energy caring for their loved one can also become disconnected from their friends, extended family, and communities. Children of workers with occupational diseases may take on more responsibilities, which can affect their social lives and educational opportunities.

How an Occupational Disease Lawyer Can Help

Navigating workers’ compensation claims involving occupational diseases can be daunting, especially if an employer or their insurer disputes the connection between the medical condition and the person’s job or workplace environment. This just adds to the stress and upheaval that families may already be dealing with.

Our occupational disease attorneys at Nappa, Monterosso & Poznansky, LLP, can help you find the best path forward for obtaining the full amount of benefits you need to protect your health and your family’s financial security. If you’re considering pursuing SSDI benefits for an occupational disease or need help appealing a claim that’s been denied, our disability lawyers can assist you with that as well

Contact an Occupational Disease Attorney in the Greater NYC Area

As native Staten Islanders, our workers’ compensation lawyers at Nappa, Monterosso & Poznansky, LLP, are dedicated to helping families in our community navigate challenges that arise from workplace injuries. To schedule a free case evaluation with an occupational disease lawyer in the greater New York City area, call us at 718-273-9000 or contact us. Attorney and Partner Rolando Cubela proudly serves our Spanish-speaking clients.

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