Construction worker coughing on job site

Most Common Occupational Illnesses

Work is central to your life, and getting sick on the job can have serious repercussions. If you have experienced an occupational illness, you may be eligible to receive workers’ compensation benefits. Navigating these benefits can be challenging, so hiring a workers’ compensation lawyer can be an immense help. Learn more about occupational illnesses and workers’ compensation eligibility from the experienced attorneys at Nappa, Monterosso

Common Occupational Illnesses and Their Causes

An occupational illness is an illness or health issue caused by exposure to harmful substances or conditions in the workplace. It also can mean the worsening of a preexisting condition brought on by your work environment or workplace hazards. These conditions can impact your wages, day-to-day activities, and your overall quality of life. The most common types of occupational diseases include:

Lung Illnesses

Occupational diseases affecting the lungs include asthma, Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD), and similar conditions. These are common illnesses in fields such as auto manufacturing and the foam and plastic industries due to the sensitizing agents and irritants that workers breathe in every day. These lung problems can cause cough, chest tightness, wheezing, difficulty breathing, and more long-term symptoms.

Skin Illnesses

Skin illnesses also can develop because of certain workplace conditions. The most common skin ailment is contact dermatitis, which is an itchy and uncomfortable rash. Standard causes of contact dermatitis include exposure to irritants such as fragrances, chemicals, sanitizers, and sensitizers. Skin cancer also may be considered an occupational illness, especially for construction and outdoor workers who spend days in the sun.

Musculoskeletal Illnesses

Musculoskeletal illnesses usually are distinguished by chronic pain and mobility limitations, which make completing work tasks more difficult and sometimes even impossible. These conditions include carpal tunnel syndrome, tendonitis, and arthritis, and sometimes they can be caused by repetitive strain on muscles. Employees across a wide range of industries may develop musculoskeletal illnesses.

Other Illnesses

Several other diseases appear frequently due to workplace conditions. They include:

If you have developed an occupational illness, you are entitled to the same benefits as those who have experienced construction site injuries, including medical treatment, wage replacement payments, and death benefits for surviving family members.

Workers’ Compensation Requirements

If you believe you have an occupational illness stemming from your employment, you may qualify for workers’ compensation. Workers’ compensation does not just cover injuries sustained while on the job — it also can cover workers who experience illnesses or conditions caused by exposure to harmful conditions or hazards on the job.

When seeking workers’ compensation, claimants must prove that their illness was intentionally caused by their employer, which can be difficult. You will need to seek medical attention to confirm your diagnosis, notify your employer within 30 days of the diagnosis, and file a workers’ compensation claim within two years.

Hiring an experienced workers’ compensation lawyer can help you get through the whole process and come out successful. The attorneys at Nappa, Monterosso & Poznansky, LLP, offer clients experience in workers’ compensation claims, disability claims, and other practice areas.

Please note: We do not handle cases for employees in federal or postal work.

Contact Our Workers’ Compensation Attorneys Today

If you are in the greater New York City area and need help with your occupational illness workers’ compensation application, trust the attorneys at Nappa, Monterosso & Poznansky, LLP, to provide the help you need. With over 30 years of combined experience and as the largest workers’ compensation firm in Staten Island, our occupational disease lawyers are dedicated to helping clients with their workers’ compensation claims from start to finish. Partner Rolando Cubela speaks fluent Spanish and can help our Spanish-speaking clients. Contact us today to learn more.

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