Can I Afford a Workers’ Compensation Attorney? Yes.

If you’ve been injured on the job, you may wonder how you’ll make ends meet and pay for a workers’ compensation attorney. The Greater NYC area and the State of New York have strict rules for how much and when workers’ compensation lawyers are paid, and the system is set up so that practically any injured worker can afford an attorney. At Nappa, Monterosso & Poznansky, LLP, we are happy to answer any questions about fees and other common costs associated with workers’ compensation claims and appeals.

How Are Workers’ Compensation Lawyers Paid in New York?

Workers’ compensation lawyers in New York work on contingency, which means they get paid a fee only if they recover compensation for you. Their fees are deducted as a percentage of your workers’ compensation award. The amount of attorneys’ fees they request will depend on the facts of your case and other factors. For example, cases involving occupational diseases such as lung cancer often are complex and take more time than those involving workplace injuries.

In New York, attorneys’ fees must be approved by the New York Workers’ Compensation Board. After your claim is settled, your lawyer files a fee request with the board. The fee request should detail all the services their law firm provided to you, including the times and dates of those services. A judge will review the request and determine whether to approve it. You’ll receive a copy of the request and have a right to file any objections or concerns with the board.

There are additional costs involved in pursuing workers’ compensation claims. The cost of obtaining medical records, hiring witnesses, court costs and filing fees, and any other required services must also be paid. Your workers’ compensation lawyer pays for these costs upfront and asks for reimbursement when requesting the attorneys’ fees from the board.

However, if your case is unsuccessful, you likely will be responsible for paying your lawyer for these additional charges. When you speak with your attorney about your case, they should inform you of these potential costs and any other potential fees. Don’t hesitate to ask any questions about your lawyer’s contingency fee and any other costs you may be responsible for paying.

Workers’ Compensation Lawyers Offer Free Initial Consultations

Our workers’ compensation attorneys offer free case evaluations, so you have nothing to lose. A lawyer can assess your case and advise you of how complex it may be, how long it may take, and what to expect. This can help you make an informed decision about whether to hire an attorney. This consultation also is a good opportunity to get a feel for an attorney’s communication style and whether they will be a good fit for you.

Why Should I Hire a Workers’ Compensation Attorney?

Although you will pay a fee if you win your workers’ compensation case, hiring a lawyer gives you a better chance of your claim being successful. A workers’ compensation lawyer acting as your advocate also can work to help you get all the compensation you deserve. It’s always good to go with an established workplace injury law firm in New York. Lawyers whose practice areas focus on workers’ compensation and disability are well-versed in common tactics insurance companies employ to minimize and deny claims. They’ll fight for your rights and interests and help you obtain the full amount of benefits you need to protect your health and finances.

Contact a Workers’ Compensation Lawyer in New York

For more than 30 years, our workers’ compensation lawyers at Nappa, Monterosso & Poznansky, LLP, have represented injured workers throughout the Greater NYC area. Attorney and partner Rolando Cubela proudly assists our Spanish-speaking clients. Call us at 718-273-9000 or contact us online to schedule a consultation.

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